1) Email us @ herperiwinkle@gmail.com
2) "Subject" the name of the item you're interested in, please also tell us your collection method.
3) We will send you an invoice within 24hrs.
For Ongoing Spree, please send your order in the following format:
Please fill up all the blank (URL mean link)
Bank account type/no:
Sending Address:
Item 1: (((Cutie))【AQV4115】0401搖滾印象~時尚搭配~反袖條紋造型單釦西裝外套(黑) 特390)
URL: (http://tw.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/d45987372?u=cutie_fashion)
Taiwan Price:
Singapore Price:
Amount: [qty]* [price] =
Item 2: Name of item:
Taiwan Price:
Singapore Price:
Amount: [qty] * [price]=
Total price= Item 1+ Item 2 + Postage =
For Spree instock ,once you receive our invoice, you will have to make your payment within 24hrs. We work on a first payment basis.
For 'Ongoing Sprees', all payments have to be done before closing date.
You can pay either through:
1) Ibanking OR
2) Atm Transfer
Email us once payment is made and we will send you a PAYMENT VERIFIED DETAILS asap.
All Spree Instocks will mail out asap after payment is verified.
Mode of Collection
1. Postage price varies (depending on the weight). Normal charges will be $1.50 per item, $0.50 for each addtional item. For bags, will be $2.00 per item.
2. Registered mail involves an additional charge of S$2.24. (Recommended)
3. Mass meetup @ Selected MRT. (Usually in the evenings @ Hougang MRT)
4. Self Collection @ Hougang St 52
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